
Agenzia delle Dogane (Customs Agent)


Custom sections: operations of quick custom clearance

The airport has been equipped of one own custom section that permits quick operations of custom clearance. Thank to presence in the airport of the Agency of the Customs (Customs of Florence - Airport Section) goods are immediately available for the withdrawal.

Goods: the services of the customs section

Formalities about the introduction of goods in the magazine of temporary custody and in the customs depot managed from AdF Spa let alone all the formalities necessaries for their transfer to other Customs or for their sending back to the to foreign countries.



The C.I.T.E.S. Service is available in the Florence airport to manage restricted cargo boarding operations.

With the introduction of the C.I.T.E.S. Service, Toscana Aeroporti has further expanded the range of handling services operated in the Florence airport to the benefit, in particular, of significant industry sectors of the Region of Tuscany, such as the leather industry and others.

The C.I.T.E.S. Service controls the boarding operations of restricted goods in the Florence airport through the work of special customs officers who check certain categories of goods and their accompanying documents for an efficient control of trade transactions and to detect any crime.

The tasks of the C.I.T.E.S. staff is also to protect the items purchased by travellers as souvenirs, whether they have been bought without the necessary C.I.T.E.S. documents (e.g. ivory, crocodile or turtle objects) or taken from the natural environment (e.g. shells or coral).

The illegal introduction of restricted or threatened species is punished with severe sanctions.

Note: C.I.T.E.S. is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora signed in Washington in 1975, effective in Italy since 1980. This convention regulates the export, re-export, import and possession, for any purpose, of certain animals and plants (living, dead or their derived parts and products) in order to protect endangered and threatened wildlife species and control their trade.

T. +39 055/306.144.1